Saturday, March 21, 2009

Grace~Grace~Grace~ God's Amazing Grace!

Friday, June 19, 2009

~Grace~Grace~Grace~...God's Amazing Grace...

I am excited that God's grace has been poured out all over me and I have been set Free!!! I am not just talking about unmerited favor, which is one aspect of Grace.I am talking the supernatural power to love the unlovable, forgive when unforgiven, and have mercy on those who lack mercy!!! I am talking about the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to just love with joy despite the heartache and the pain! I am talking about being able to move forward and not looking back, confident in God alone no matter who is standing by you. I am talking about the Grace that grips our hearts,motivates our faith, propels us into action and compels us that we can not not serve, love and obey Him.

I am talking about the Grace that sets us free!Free from: sin, self, and others!

My Grace has been revealed to me as a "GENTLE GIANT" that has, is and will continue to transform me beyond my thoughts can hold. God's Grace gives us the POWER to overcome the impossible, the unthinkable, and the most challenging. God's Grace is Jesus in us after we have confessed and believed Him to be the Son of God, the King of our lives and the Savior of our spirits. This revelation can take years to learn and develop. Digging deeper to understand God's Grace in which our deepest comprehension is yet still skimming the surface.

It is only by the Holy Spirit that can enlighten us to this truth. (Eph 1)

Man has journeyed throughout the earth to find the mystery of the supernatural, I tell you this: the journey is no further than the condition of our own hearts! One may concur it takes much work and effort, yet I tell you this: It is all about trust, obedience and RESTING contra re to popular belief!!! It truly is a total lifestyle change and the way we have been taught.

Grace is freedom that holds us accountable and leads us to the foot of the cross.

We are free yet bonded in Christ Jesus. If we say we love Him, then He says the evidence of that is that we will keep His commandments. It will bring us great joy to please our Father! If Grace has gripped us than the evidence of this is a forgiving heart, a loving spirit, a tender tongue. The evidence of Grace transforming us will be an illuminating light shining forth as the Holy Spirit upholds the Word of God in us and through us. We cannot not live the truths of the Scriptures. They not only become our navigational life manual, they become a light unto our feet. Our journey in life is one of many ups and downs, victories and victories even in our saddest times we are never defeated!

No one person has the same path, nor same set of circumstances, or being prepared for the same purpose. However, it is the most amazing, individual, personal relationship and mastered creation as God does His work in us according to the counsel of His own will.No two set of feet will walk, endure, train, and persevere through the exact same set of plans. He prepares us individually for His exact purpose. This is why it is unwise to compare ourselves to one another, as Paul writes in the Scriptures, only compare yourself to that of Jesus Christ.That is why we can believe and allow for ourselves and others the grace and mercy to grow and live out our callings in life as we come to realize that God is in complete control and we are not.

Two verses to help us overcome: Father forgive them they know not what they do... We wrestle not with flesh and blood...Our experiences past, present and future will all intersect and weave together as THE GOLDEN THREAD OF GOD reveals a true tapestry of God's handiwork in our lives!!!

Ps. I have heard that there are those who use Grace as a "liberty" that they are not under the law nor the commandments. I am led to ask this, "Why then did the authors of the Bible feel compelled to continue to write God's Words to the churches telling them what their behavior should and should not look like? The Bible would have been empty pages there after that verse. My Bible shows me that My God loves me so much that He has equipped me with the truth of the world and the schemes of our hearts. He has shown me what is of Him and what is not of Him, He has shown me that we must repent and be tenderhearted. I was one who claimed grace with a hard heart of self righteousness, I have seen both sides, ummmmm.

I have been set free from myself!!! God is a God of order, He has given us the scriptures to be obedient and the means of repentance when we are not. Let us not misuse the Grace of Jesus Christ. It was Grace that brought you to accountability with Jesus at the cross in the first place is it not? And why would the journey stop there? It is just the beginning......just the beginning of walking with God.

I have met the Grace of Salvation 18 years ago, but just recently in the past 4 years I have embraced the Grace of total abandoment to self, again a lifetime journey with God.I thank God for my godly mentors: Corrie Ten Boom, Esther Ahn Kim, Brother Yun, countless others for sharing their God Stories that forever have changed my life!

With much love for God's women! Debbie Mascioli

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